Career Advice and Assistance for Students and Parents
Student Career Advisor
Students and their parents can benefit greatly from career advice and assistance designed to enable exploration of future vocational options. Pathwise Careers can offer such assistance in a structured and supportive environment.
As a parent, are you concerned about what career your child might pursue once they leave school? Do you worry about your child’s sense of purpose or their application to study? Although a percentage of students report being clear about future career destination, many others seem at a loss for direction and may even appear unmotivated about school and work. As a result such students may not be realising their full academic potential.
Year 9 and 10 students are ideal candidates to benefit from career advice prior to them having to make decisions about subject choices for Years 11 and 12. Not all students want to stay on at school after Year 10 and need help identifying potentially suitable training and career pathways. Those students staying on to complete Year 12, or those already undertaking tertiary study, can benefit greatly from the chance to map out tertiary training pathways and the various avenues to career establishment.
Pathwise Careers provides students of all ages assistance to achieve clarity about future career and work life whilst helping to promote their application to study. Research confirms, what common sense would suggest, that the clearer a student is about his or her career options, the more motivated he or she will likely be toward applying themselves to the challenges of study and to perform better academically.
Peter Curry
Registered Psychologist
BA, Grad Dip (Psych)